Nikki, my best friend, is having a BABY!!! I am so excited. We have known each other since middle school. I am so happy for her and her husband, Sam. These two are going to make great parents.
I was given the honor and privilege to photograph her maternity photos. This made me so happy. I love photographing my friends and family.
Originally, we were planning on doing a pumpkin patch. Well, it didn't work out. Instead, I suggested to do them at their home. Seeing as they had just bought a house. Why not celebrate having a baby and being first time homebuyers at the same time.
During Maternity Sessions, I try to include something sentimental. It may not mean something an outsider. However, it can mean the world to the client. In this session, we added in some items into the photo.
Nikki's baby blanket and a sheep skin blanket from Sam's Mom.

Another thing I do in Maternity Sessions is make sure the soon-to-be mom is comfortable. If a pose doesn't feel right, we change it. If hormones kick in and she gets emotional, we take a break. I don't just focus on the mom's either. I try to make sure the dad is thought of as well.
In this case, Sam had just had surgery not that long ago. I wanted to make sure he didn't over work himself or wasn't in pain. If I wanted to do a pose, I would make sure he was ok with it. Try to make the pain as little to none. He was a great sport. If he got sore, he got a break.
Even though my job is to take photos, I want to make sure my clients are cared for. It isn't always about the photos. It is about making people happy and comfortable.
I want my clients to know I care about them.
Did you notice something in the last photo? Look close and you will see a little photo bomber. He is one of their fur babies. What is a Maternity Session without dogs? And not just one. THREE!!!

Meet Zeus, Cain, and the photo bomber, Tigger! Not only did I get photos of her lovely baby bump. I got some photos of these three handsome guys. After lots of treats and commands, we got a great photos of them all together. I also made sure to get that lovely baby bump in the photos.

These pups were a bundle of furry joy to work with. Especially Tigger. He is the original pup in the pack. Every time I see Tigger, he comes up for his butt scratches. First things first before anything, he gets butt scratches. Tigger is my buddy! He just celebrated his 9th Birthday!
We made sure to get a special photo of Tigger and his mom in honor of his birthday!
Maternity Sessions are fun to shoot. It brings back memories of being pregnant with my daughter. Knowing that we women can grow life inside of us is a magical thing. I am so happy for Nikki and Sam. Soon they will be able to meet their child. I can't wait! See below at more photos from the session.
If you have read this far, thank you. Please let me know in the comments your thoughts. Comment if there is anything you would like me to talk about. Share with your friends and family. Make sure to like and share Mc Awesome Photography on Facebook and Instagram.
Hope you all enjoyed.
With Love,